Focus on God’s Strength, Not the Struggle

Let’s face it: we all have struggles in life! No one ever said it would be easy. Sometimes, the pressures we face in life can begin to feel overwhelming. But you’re NOT alone! The almighty God of the universe is on your side!

His strength is far more powerful than anything that will ever come against you in life. He shares that strength with each one of His children. God loves you unconditionally and more than you could ever imagine! Because of His great love for you, He will withhold no good gift from you.

God loves to pour all kinds of blessings into our lives. But just like any gift, we must receive it to enjoy its benefits! If we are so absorbed into our struggles that we cannot sense or feel the presence of God, we will never be able to embrace His blessings. If this is where you find yourself at the present moment, it’s time to shift your focus to God!

God desires to be an intimate part of our everyday lives. He’s not content to sit on the sidelines and watch our lives go by. He wants nothing more than to walk alongside you through everything you experience! There’s no better time than the present to run into His open arms. There we will find healing, love, and peace.

The power we receive from God comes from the Holy Spirit within us. Psalm 84:11 reads, “The Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right” (NLT). God will always provide everything you need. All you have to do is walk with Him!

How do we receive this power from the Holy Spirit? By focusing on God’s strength. No matter what we are facing, God still provides and grants us immeasurable blessings every day. It’s just up to us to recognize those blessings and embrace them.

You’ll be amazed by how much smaller the struggle will seem with a simple shift of focus! That’s because when we focus on God, He grants us a glimpse into His perspective. 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, “We understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ” (NLT). While we are limited in our perspective because we are humans, God has no such restrictions. He knows that the struggles you face are temporary, but the promises He has prepared for you are eternal! His love and strength will be with you forever.